Tokeo - Cryptocurrency News app for iPhone and iPad
Tokeo helps you find the news that matters: price analysis, new blockchain projects and ICOs, regulatory movements, or [insert reason for crash here]. Keep up with cryptocurrency market news without the hyperbole.
• Beautiful Charts and Data
Keep up with the markets and trends in a sleek interface. Fullscreen it for the real experience!
• Easy Reading
Tokeos RSS parser focuses on streamlining the big crypto news sites, presenting all the important content in a nice dark UI.
• Multiple Sources
Tokeo supports multiple crypto news sources, with more being added all the time. Missing your favorite one? Let us know and well get it on there.
• Notifications
Feeling like you keep missing out on news? Tokeo sends push notifications to all your devices as the news comes in, working to keep you informed.
• Native All Around
Built from the ground up as a native app for iOS and macOS, Tokeo is great with battery life and memory usage. Smooth transitions ensure that Tokeo feels at home on both platforms.
• Bookmarks
Tokeo syncs your bookmarks across all supported platforms for free (using your iCloud account). Bookmarked articles can also be read offline.